Rural Sheds development application guide

Ballina Shire receives around 50 Development Applications (DAs) each year for the construction of new sheds in our rural areas. Straightforward applications can be approved relatively quickly. However, assessment of intended usage, size, location and potential impacts on neighbours or sensitive environments needs to be considered. Council wants applications for simple low impact rural sheds to be determined without delay. The Ballina Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) reflect Council’s vision and strategic intent for new development in the Shire.

Follow these steps to provide all relevant information when you lodge your development application for a rural shed:

  • Complete the online DA form on the NSW planning portal website 
  • Complete Council’s Land Owner Details form Note: The consent of all owners needs to be provided.  
  • Complete Council’s Estimated Cost of Development form 
  • Include a set of plans at a scale of 1:50, 1:100 or 1:200. The set of plans must include a site plan, floor plan, elevation and sections, plus details of external finishes and colours where available.

You will need to complete a written Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) document.

Division 1 of Part 6 and Schedule 1 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulations 2000 sets out the information requirements to accompany a DA. You will need to provide answers to the following questions in your written (SEE) document:

  • What is the intended use of the shed?
  • Will occupation involve a commercial, industrial or residential use requiring a separate consent?
  • Will there be any employees or external visitors to the site?
  • How will vehicles access the property? (include car parking arrangements and driveways)
  • Will any equipment, machinery, vehicles or material to be stored on site?
  • What is the floor area and building height? (if not marked on submitted plans)
  • Are any excavation or earthworks required?
  • Are any sanitary facilities or On Site Sewage Management (OSSM) arrangements needed? refer to

You will also need to provide answers to the following questions in your written Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) document:

  • What is the zoning of the land?
  • Is the site in an escarpment or water catchment zone, bushfire prone or close to a main road? (refer to
  • Are there any relevant State Planning Policies? (e.g. Remediation of Land, Koalas, Coastal Land, refer to
  • Are there any special or relevant Ballina LEP clauses? (e.g. building height, acid sulfate soils, flood planning etc.)
  • Are there any clauses of the Ballina LEP that you are not complying with? If so, you will need to include additional details or justification about why the proposal is not compliant and why the proposal should be approved. We recommend you discuss this with Council’s Duty Planner prior to submitting your application.

The written Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) document needs to provide information relating to the following Chapters of the Ballina Shire DCP 2012:

Answer these questions to help you identify any other matters to address in the written (SEE) document:

  • Have you spoken to the neighbours about any potential concerns or impacts?
  • If you are not clear about any LEP or DCP clauses that apply to your proposal, have you sought advice from Council’s Duty Planners?
  • If there are any proposed variations to the controls, difficult issues to resolve or prior development history, do you need a consultant to assist?
Related Pages

The DA process

Information and steps to guide you through the development application process.

Rural Dwelling development application guide

Use this guide to planning requirements for your rural dwelling development application

Rural Dual Occupancy development application guide

Use this guide to planning requirements for your rural dual occupancy development application

Urban Dual Occupancy development application guide

Use this guide to planning requirements for your urban dual occupancy development application

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Postal Address

The General Manager
Ballina Shire Council
PO Box 450
Ballina NSW 2478

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40 Cherry Street
Ballina NSW 2478


Opening Hours

8:15am - 4:30pm

Monday to Friday